So, here we are.
Kaylon just turned 5 months old on Monday. Where does the time go? He is growing like a weed. We are experiencing new things everyday. In the last week he is helping to hold up his bottle. He is also trying to sit up like a big boy, but the balance isn't quite there yet. We have been expeirimenting with pureed foods. So far his favorite's are bannana's for breakfast, and sweet pea's for dinner. He learned this new trick Daddy deemed the "mottor boat" and thinks its a good idea to show me how to do it with a mouth full of pea's. Fun!
Just yesterday was the 1st time he reached for me. Of course it was during one of his fits he was throwing...the perfect angel. But none the less, with tears in his eyes...he reached for me. I know it sounds cheesy, but it was a beautiful moment for me. How else can a 5 month old say "Mommy, I love you."