Our ultrasound yesterday confirmed IT'S A GIRL!!
Kaylon will be a big brother to a new baby sister!
Girl parts
She crossed her legs and waved to us through the whole ultrasound
It was just Mommy, Daddy, and Big Brother Kaylon in the ultrasound room this time, a special moment for our little growing family to share. The news was mostly spread by telephone and text messages. Our doctor's visit went well. The bottom number of my blood pressure seems to be steadily creeping up (which is a sign of chronic hypertension; in other words it is not caused by the pregnancy.) The anatomy scan we had was not able to show all her internal organs and determined a gestational range of 18weeks and 3 days (which is a little small) so we will be repeating it in 3 weeks. Dr. Boswell said there was no cause for concern with this either, that sometimes babies wiggle just right where the ultrasound can not get a good read on all the important stuff. All in all, everything looks good, but we will be keeping a close eye on things.
I love Rylee! I think that name is just precious!!!! I am so ready to buy pink and I have lots of clothes to pass down! Noni will be so excited to make Tutus for 2!!! YIPPEE!! Pink, Pink, Pink!!!!!