Monday, November 9, 2009

New Thing

So...I have entered a new phase of trying to contribute to our household via my "Stay Home Mommy career." Lets hope this one works out better than my cutting coupons (and forgetting to use them) phase! I found this blog thru my SIL newly renovated blog site and decided to follow. Leelou Blog revamped to a new and improved LeeLou Swag. To kick off her new website she has launched a big Favorite Things Giveaway! And seeing as how I know some giveaway goers who have had some luck, I have decided to give it a shot. 1st on the list to win is a New JOOVY sit and stand caboose...which I AM STOKED about because I have been trying to convince my wonderful hubby to buy me this very stroller since we found out we are pregnant with baby #2. So wish me luck! To check out her new blog click on the link above or on her button to the right.
A few things on my list I can not live with out...
1) Mothers Day Out! If you are not taking your local church up on this 2x week break...its a must. It has helped my son flourish in his social skills while allowing Mommy to get some groceries and chores done in peace!
2) My new NIKON D70 camera, that my wonderful hubby brought home to me last week that thankfully replaced my "always miss the good shot" digital camera. I have taken it with me everywhere!
3) My mini notebook. Talk about handy. so small and compact, easy to carry with you and always have a full computer nearby.

Thanks for staying with me thru my new endeavour!

1 comment:

  1. We have a Sit and Stand. Its strong enough to hold AJ and Stevie and on vacation I even had Taylor plus my kids on it!
