Saturday, September 25, 2010

Kaylon's 2nd Birthday Bash

We decided to go a little more laid back on the bash this year, but had tons of birthday fun. Kaylon had lots of family show up to celebrate his day and it was the 1st year he had his little friends come and join in the fun! It was oh so cute!
We rented a birthday cake moonwalk for the back yard and it was a major hit. That thing was huge! I didn't plan any games for the party goers, instead we had a paint party! I bought several canvases for all the guest to paint with primary colors in hopes to hang them in our play room to display the ABC's and 123's. I also had some card stock paper there for the kiddos to paint if they wanted to take a painting home with them. Sounds fun, huh! I'd like to pat myself on the back for thinking that one up all on my own!
The cake was one of my favorite things this year. I designed it based on his plates and napkins that I bought. Aunt KK and I spent a whole day decorating it and only completed the bottom layer! Aunt KK had to finish it, and it tasted as good as it looked! The top was her peanut butter filling and chocolate cake and bottom layer was yellow cake with yummy strawberry filling. Hi five to Aunt KK and KK's Best Cake's!
The kiddo's were all having so much fun, I decided this year not to pull them away to open up the gifts, so we just opened them one by one with our guest as they were leaving. It seamed to work well.
I did get a few phone calls for the goodie bags that we handed out. I was trying to stick to primary colors and believe it or not it was hard to accomplish, but I found some super adorable airplane whistles to add to the bags...I know I know, whistles. You're Welcome!!
Thank you to everyone who came to join in the fun! Thanks to you, we had an awesome 2nd birthday bash!

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Thursday, September 23, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday to my sweet sweet boy!!

Oh, the joys of A TWO YEAR OLD in the house!!! Climbing on the counters, getting in the draws, asking "Why?" after I say anything! He spends as much time playing as he does in time out!! But we are sticking to our guns. I keep telling him, Mommy always wins! Eventually, he'll get it. At least I hope so.

Daddy has become Kaylon's best friend. Mommy is "good enough" all day long, until Daddy walks in the door, then it's "Daddy eat eat" "Daddy I want Milk" "Daddy fix." Really...Daddy can't leave his sight, and he has to get him everything. I'm not even good enough for diaper changes. When it comes to Kolbie, Daddy has a jealous boy on his hands.

He does love his "sissy" to pieces. Just today we showed up to class to pick him up from school, and all the kids ran up to see "the baby" and Kaylon was able to show her off giving her hugs and kisses and telling them "my Sissy, My Sissy." He was very proud.

My sweet boy has started climbing out of his crib at all hours of the night. Not sure how we are going to handle that, but I'm working on it!He has been so over the top adorable since he has found his "air guitar" a few months ago. He closes his eye's and nods his head while he's playing too. Oh, yeah he feels it! It's pretty ridiculously cute! Just in the last week or 2 he has also started drumming on everything. I don't know where he gets it from, but the kid has music in his bones.

Happy Happy Birthday to the most sweetest boy I know! Mommy loves you!


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

My China Doll

We were playing in the front yard while Daddy and Kaylon were cleaning the garage. I think they turned out pretty good...


Saturday, September 4, 2010

All in 6 months

In 6 months, from being my petite baby girl, to my rolly polly squishy squirmy sweetness! Just in the last month she has cut her 1st 2 teeth, been scooting off her mat durring tummy time, and even rolling off the bed and couch (each only once)! I just know she will be crawling in no time!

She is a smiley girl ALL the time. From morning until night. She doesn't like mommy to leave her playing in a room by herself, and car rides are still not on her list of favorite things. Oh, and I better be on time with her bottle. Other than that, I get giggles and grins! She is even all smiles when Mommy plays dress up with her on a regular basis. (A new favorite past time of mine, hehe!)
For 2 months now I have been force feeding her an aray of vegetables and fruit. I say force feeding, because she doesn't like ANY of it!! She spits it all out each and every bite. I don't know what I'm going to do with this girl. I'm guessing she is going to be a meat and potatoes kid. We will begin trying those new flavors in the weeks to come.

She is also the drooliest random spit upper I know! I keep saying I'm going to hang a bucket around her neck, so don't be suprised if you see a snap shot of that in the future! I am happy to say her spit up has dramatically decreased in the last week, thank goodness. But that drool. It's out of control.

Her most favorite thing in the whole world is her big brother Kaylon. She gets so excited when he comes in the room she nearly jumps out of my lap. She can't stand not being able to follow him around. All in good time. It almost makes me sad to think about it. Oh, and make no mistake Kaylon loooves his "Sissy." He tells me " I hold, I hold Sissy." He thinks he's such a big help when he gets to hold her.
We have been working on her sitting up on her own, but still teeter totters a bit, so we might wait a few more weeks before her next portrait session.

This last week Daddy decided it was time for her to move into her room, that has been waiting for her since before she was born. It drove me crazy at night only being able to hear Kaylon on the monitor, so before we moved her in I had to go get one of those fancy video monitors. It gives me peace of mind more than it is necessary, but I love it. Ryan said he found me asleep with the monitor in my face the first night. I couldn't deny it.

My precious angel, I can hardly remember your 6lb self swaddled so tighly sleeping so soundly in your bassinett. And it was only 6 months ago! What am I going to think 6 or 16 years from now? Where does the time go?