Monday, January 25, 2010

No trauma at all

It has been 4 nights of enforcing a bed time, and to our surprise Kaylon has done AWESOME! 1st night at 9 o'clock we both told him night night and I carried him to his crib. I turned on his mobile for some sound, but once I sat him in his crib he did start to cry hysterically, but I told him I loved him and it was night night time and shut the door like a good Mommy. Surprisingly he cried for maybe 2 minutes, TOPS! Same goes for every night since, with the exception of last night...there was no crying at all. He just layed down. Ta Da! We did it! He is such a big boy!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Bed time trauma- Today is the day!

I have found that I have a lot (excuse me, A LOT) of one on one time with Kaylon. We chose to have it that way and have enjoyed every minute of it, but as the day's are quickly ticking off the calendar to Kolbie's arrival, I am having major anxiety about having to take some of that quality time away from him to share with baby sister. I am afraid he is going to loathe her because of it (which to fulfill his title as big brother he will have to do at times regardless of my preparations.) I know this. That being said, I would like to make it not so obvious that things are changing on her account. There are several area's I can work on, but the most important place to start (for my sanity) I have decided is bed time. Our usual routine (if you want to call it that) is play until Daddy gets home, eat, watch some TV, and hold each other until he falls asleep. Then I tip toe as quietly and as stiff as possible , so I don't wake him, down the hall to his room, lay him him in his crib, then hurry up and throw the covers on him, run out the door and don't look back. Some times he wakes up and sometimes he doesn't. When he does, I usually let him cry for 15-25 minutes, but by 30 min I cant handle it any more. He's taken my heart out and jumped all over. So I'll usually go get him and start the process all over again.

Today is the DAY! Traumatic or not, we will be enforcing a new routine including a bed time. Eat, bath, bedtime 9:00pm. I will be turning off all monitors and setting my timer for 35 minutes before I will allow myself to go check on him. After 2 months with the new routine, my plan is he will not remember it any other way. Wish me luck with this. (By the way Daddy, you are staying up tonight to endure the trauma with us.)

One week Follow up

Today I had my 1 week follow up appointment from my stay at the hospital and I am happy to say that Dr. Boswell says we are doing great. I have been diligently poking my finger and recording my blood sugar's as well as logging everything I eat and/or drink in my trusty composition notebook to help ensure I am eating the appropriate amount of carb/protein ratio. Ask my husband, I have even enlisted the help of a measuring cup so I can be as accurate as possible. At my appointment today she did say that going on medication to help with the sugar levels in my blood are inevitable, and it is nothing I am doing wrong. Thankfully though, we are able to avoid it for one more week. We did reset the date for our scheduled c-section and confirmed it with the hospital so as of now, if all goes well we will show up to Labor and Delivery at St. Lukes by 5:30am on Thursday March 18, 2010 to begin the surgery at 7:30 and welcome our precious girl all well before lunch time. But for now, I will be monitored weekly with alternating ultrasound and a fetal non stress test to make sure all remains well until it is time for her arrival.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Hospital Day 2

Things are looking very good today. My sugar levels have been stable. They are all under 130. The doctor would like them under 120, but in conjuncion with my Hemoglobin A1C (3 month average of blood sugars) being borderline normal... we are expecting a discharge from the hospital at any time. By the way the nurse is talking, it looks like we will just try a revised diabetic diet for a few more days and debate over controller medication at that time, hopefully all from home. I am waiting for the results of a 24 hour urine test to check for protien, then I will get confirmation from the doctor as to what our exact plan of action will be. Cross your fingers and toes, and I will let you know as soon as I find out more!


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Baby Kolbie Update

So, I have been meaning to post an update of my last ob visit, but haven't gotten around to it. Today, I have found myself with time to spare.

For a few weeks now, I have been noticing some drastic changes in the way I feel, from normal, to excited and shaky, to short of breath, and my heart racing. As most of you know, I had Gestational Diabetes while pregnant with Kaylon, along with several other issues. I started to log my blood sugars just to see how things were going. To my surprise they were way out of control with some readings as high as 250 (much higher levels than with Kaylon, normal would be under 100.) After chatting with my doctor on Thursday we decided to go ahead and log my readings diligently for a few days and she would call me on Monday with a regimen of medication best suited to keep it under control. After talking with her today, she decided it was best for Kolbie and I to stay at St. Lukes for a few days to have the best attention and get this sugar situation under control.

As the end of Hospital Stay Day 1 comes to a close, all I know so far is they will have me on a strict diabetic diet (which super stinks!) and be monitoring the baby and my sugar readings for the next 24 hours before making any more changes. Ironically, of course, all my reading since admission have been completely normal. One was even low. I don't know what that is about, but if I can get out of here with out having to take insulin injections, I will be thrilled to death!

Keep your fingers crossed that we get this under control asap and I can get back home to my husband and baby boy, who by the way is completely confused about why I didn't pick him up from school today, and why I didn't leave with him when they came to see me.

What is Gestational Diabetes?
Click here to find out more.


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Bad Breath

I had the pleasure of waking up this morning to my sweet boy calling for me on the monitor. As usual routine goes, I run to the little girls room, lock the dogs in my bedroom, head down the hall, and retrieve a morning faced messy haired sweet sweet child from his crib, help my self to some extra good morning hugs, and a rock or 2 in the rocker next to his bed. Only this morning I was greeted by a special visitor that so viciously cut into my rocking time...HIS BAD BREATH! YIKES! What is a mother to do? I accepted his stinky breath kisses and decided it was time.
Now, please do not think my son is 15 months old and never brushed his teeth. Actually, a tooth brush has consistently placed on his ever changing list of top 10 toys. But today we used toothpaste! I already had some on hand because I knew the day was coming. Turns out he loves it. After scrubbing his mouth all around and rinsing the toothbrush free from paste he kept telling me "more, more." Turns out that toothpaste taste pretty good. The toothpaste is fluoride free and safe to swallow, so I didn't even attempt to teach him how to spit it out. I can just see him taking that lesson to a whole new level. Anyway, here are a few pictures from the experience.


Recaping '09 and looking forward to '10

So many things to be grateful for in 2009, too many to list them all. I can't go with out mentioning the greatest joy in our lives turning one this past year. Every day I look at him and think how much growing he has done since we brought his little 4 pound self home in 2008. It was strange for us to realize it was his second Christmas and second New Year to celebrate.
We are looking forward to 2010, knowing it will bring the birth of our baby girl and forever changing our lives once again. As many of you know, we had to have some medical intervention to get Kaylon, and thinking when the time was right we would have to go down that path again so when we found out Kolbie was on the way it was a complete surprise, and a miracle blessing that we are so patiently waiting to arrive.

Blessings to you and your family in 2010.