Sunday, June 6, 2010

Kaylon Updates

So many things have been going on in our house lately, I have been behind on my postings. So, I have quite a bit to catch up on Kaylon's recent activities. is is first school portrait. Adorable isn't it!

Next....His school held an Ice Cream social for all the students and parents. This is my little flirt and his precious Brooke.

For those of you who don't know...My sweet boy thinks he some what of a ladies man. He is a major flirt when it comes to cute girls (of ANY age...he doesn't discriminate!) Everything stops when he sees little miss Brooke walk in the room. She is Mrs. Danyel's (his teacher)four year old daughter who is off to start Kindergarten next year. Brooke takes such good care of my little man. We are going to miss her next year.

Here he is at his End of the Year Program. He is in the 1 year old class, so they usually go first. This time he was quite intimidated by the crowd. He busted out a move every now and again...but for the most part he just stood there looking so adorably cute.

Of course Kolbie was there to support her big brother, along with Mommy, GG, Grammy, Noni, and Daddy.

Daddy was able to take off work early so he wouldn't miss his last program.
Daddy and his boy.

Now, school is out, and its going to be the three of us everyday. We have big plans to keep us busy all summer keep checking in on us. Swim lessons start monday!


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