Monday, August 9, 2010

Our WIGGLY Adventure

The Wiggles are in town, so we decided we would drop Little Miss Sunshine off at Grammy's house and have a Wiggly fun day with just Mommy, Daddy, and Our Sweet Boy.

Ryan and I have never even seen an episode of The Wiggles and had no idea clue who the characters were or any of their popular songs. So to start our Wiggly Adventure I had to do some research. We were pretty curious to know how well Kaylon would do with all the excitement and if he would participate.

He is definitely a people watcher like his Mama, but after the lights went down and the action started, it caught his attention. He joined in clapping, jumping, and dancing to the songs. There was a "strong song" that he was thrilled to join in and show his muscles! Crazy boy!

He tired out quick with no nap, so we ended up sneaking out 20 min early, but all in all it was tons of Wiggly fun for the family!


  1. I took AJ when she was little. She loved it too!! Did you bring Dorothy a rose?

  2. Girl...I had no idea who dorthy was! Maybe next time!
