Monday, February 15, 2010

Prepare yourself...several updates below

I have been bad on updates since we are getting spoiled with Daddy time. He has been off for a week now and has another to go before he has to return to work on Feb 22. We have been trying to stay busy with lots of activities (as you will see below).

Kaylon is almost 17 months old now and still amazes us every day. He is so independent. He thinks he can do anything all on his own, especially when it comes to eating. He is still struggling with silverware, but refuses to give in.
He is talking more and more. Mostly jibber jabber, but he has impressed us with a few double words. His 1st was Night Night, but he is wearing out "all gone" everything is "all gone" his sweet voice combined with his serious expressions and hand movements. Ugh...he makes my cup runeth over.

Kolbie, on the other hand, has turned into a crazy girl doing back flips, tossing and turning, and beating me up on the inside. My last appointment 2 weeks ago with a NST showed I was having minor contractions every 5-7 minutes. I couldn't feel them, and they were minor enough the Doctor didn't mind. Last week Ryan was able to go with me for the ultrasound. We got this amazing shot of her face that gave us an insight on just how much she is going to look like her Daddy. His bone structure for sure. Same eyes, cheeks, and lips. We couldn't see her nose because her hands were in the way. We were there to check up on her size since with gestational diabetes babies tend to be large. She measured prefect for her age at approx 4lbs 15oz. Her reading was only an ounce or 2 different from Kaylon at the same gestation.

I have another appointment with a NST again tomorrow. I am nearing 35 weeks now, and this was about the time things started getting more complicated with Kaylon's pregnancy. Cross your fingers and toes everything goes well tomorrow. We want her to grow much longer inside than her big brother did. I will update again soon.

Check out the next few post to see what we have been doing while Daddy has been home.


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