Monday, December 27, 2010

3 Days of Christmas!

Christmas Eve
To start the evening we headed to Mema's house!

Always a fun and interesting time there!

Then, this year we changed it up and headed to Grammy's house for family Christmas Eve dinner with her, Uncle Sean, Aunt Mel, Brynlee and Chance!

An AWESOME picture of all four grandbabies looking at the camera! Never can get them all to sit still long enough, so this picture is a gift all it own!

I had to share this picture of my precious angel on her first Christmas Eve (sporting a new bow Grammy gave her) lost in a sea of wrapping paper!

So much fun!

After a hearty meal of Grammy's shrimp ettoufee and ton's of special presents we headed home so we wouldn't miss Santa.

Christmas Day

The kiddos woke up about 6:30 to see what Santa left for them.
Kaylon was shocked to see a brand new Kitchen! He immediately started cooking and washing his hands.

It was too funny when he opened the oven door he say "ooh, its really hot!" My silly boy really does listen to his Mama!

Kolbie was drawn right to her pink stroller and 1st baby doll that Santa brought her.

She was so precious talking to it saying "Ahhhhh, Ahhhhhhhhhh" in her high pitched angel baby voice!

Aunt Meagan and Aunt B were there to see them. GG, Mema, and Grammy showed up soon after to enjoy my Christmas angels open up their gifts. After all the fun we settled down to enjoy some cheese grits and off everybody went o start their busy Christmas Day. This s the 1st year the Forey's got to stay home and enjoy each others company and play with all the new toys on Christmas Day.

Late that evening we dressed the children up in their super adorable Christmas attire and headed over to Uncle Luke and Aunt Jennifer's house for a wonderful Christmas Dinner.

After a late evening there we headed home or a good nights sleep.

Day After Christmas
Pop and Noni made their way out to Crosby to enjoy their Christmas time with the kids. We spent the whole day opening gifts, playing outside on the new Jumpy house Pop and Noni brought, eating lots of Cajun stuffed chicken, and just enjoying each others company.

Noni taking her turn being Iron Man!

I have to say this was one of the best Christmas' ever!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Festival of Lights 2010

Had lots of fun at festival of lights this year! It was especially awesome to see how much the kids were enjoying themselves.


Saturday, December 18, 2010

Name Game

A super exciting day in our house! Kaylon called his baby sister by her NAME!
Let me explain (a little back story)...
From the beginning I found out I was pregnant with a girl, I referred to Kolbie as "baby sister" We even played Peek a Boo with my belly trying to find her.
Strangely enough, from the very 1st moment they met..he called her "Sissy." Which has always been so super sweet. (Side bar: I think he got that name from Barney because BJ refers to Baby Bop as Sissy and as much as he loves that show he probably has every single episode down by memory!...Double Side bar: every picture of a baby even his own baby pictures he points to them and says they are Sissy.)
At this point (even still) Kaylon has yet to speak his own name.
We play the game where we point and say "who's that" and he answers, but when we point to him, just recently he has been answering "me" which I love! One step closer to his name, right! He even acknowledges when I explain to him that a picture is him when he was a baby....Baby Kaylon. Me...he says point to himself. Love it!
Just yesterday I was getting after Kolbie for getting into something and I said Kooolbbbie (real long and drawn out) and he copied me! So I pointed to her and asked him who that was. Of course he said Sissy. Then I asked him what her name was...and he said KOLBIE!


Monday, December 6, 2010

A Special Santa Moment

This is Kaylon's 3rd Christmas and he is really beginning to grasp the joy of the season. For some reason, the past 2 years believe it or not I did try, but it never worked out for him to meet Santa, sit in his lap and have the whole moment. I really wanted him to have a great experience with it this year so we have been singing the songs, and reading the books, and learning about all the different holidays people celebrate and the story of Santa.
Finally Ryan had a day off and we were able to make it out to the mall to meet Santa only to be at the end of a 2 and a half hour line. We decided not to wait and this obviously turned out to be the best for us because we got to stand off to the side and I got to show Santa to Kaylon and explain to him that he is talking to all the boys and girls and we have to wait out turn. He was BESIDE himself just being in his presence!
So the next opportunity (on a weekday and unfortunately with out Daddy) we returned to the mall to have our 1st visit with Santa. We got to the mall and the devil horns were shinning on my sweet boys head! I just knew this was going to be terrible. We arrived while Santa was out feeding his Reindeer, and thankfully didn't have to wait to long. (We had a special pass this time that allowed us to cut in line...yay for us, bummer for those who had been waiting for so long:(
The moment that Santa came around the corner and sat in his big comfy Santa Chair, he winked and waved to my boy. Kaylon was giddy with excitement! He was just feet away from us, but we were asked by the elves to let 2 infant babies go 1st. Of course, we were pleased to do so, and I explained to Kaylon that we had to wait our turn, Santa gets to talk to all the boys and girls. He kept telling Santa while we were waiting "patiently"... "I a good boy Santa." Finally it was our turn, Santa turned to us and raised his arms up to Kaylon, and my sweet boy ran as fast as he could to climb up on Santa's lap and have his turn. If only I had a tool to decipher what he was telling him. Kaylon was filled with words flooding out tell Santa all about...who knows what! Kolbie was amazing too! She sat in Santa's lap next to her brother and just stared at the jolly man. My heart was just filled with so much joy and love to see my children enjoying the moment. I know it sounds crazy. It felt like ages before our turn was over, but a few moments I decided to usher my children down the line. Kaylon gave Santa a BIG hug, got off his lap said "Bye Santa" and blew him a heavenly sweet boy kiss. Melt MY Heart! Then funny enough he told Santa "Ho Ho Ho, Merry Christmas" which Santa giggled at him a belted out the same right back to him. I hated my husband had to miss this! We called him right away and Kaylon told him all about it! (Thankfully I thought ahead and had Aunt Meagan video tape the whole thing...which Daddy watched 3 times when he got home from work, and all he could comment was how fuzzy it made him feel inside and the urge it gave him to go sit in Santa's lap too!)

I could not have asked for a better special Santa moment!


Saturday, December 4, 2010

9 Months Old!

Can you believe it? 9 months old! Our sweet angel baby girl!
She is a speed racer on her knees crawling, and she can hardly contain herself, she wants to walk so bad. She has started to jibber jabber all about her Da Da, and waving Hi, and even says bye bye every now and again. At least, I let her know that is what she is saying! I am drilling Ma Ma into her head, but she just giggles at me! All in time! The biggest milestone I'd have to say she has accomplished is FINALLY holding up her own bottle (most of the time:) A great day in the world of a busy Mommy! She has 4 teeth this month (Kaylon didn't even have one at 9 months!)
To my Angel Baby Girl...SLOW DOWN! Mommy needs to snuggle bug you as long as I can! You have the rest of your life to be a big girl! Muah!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Mrs. Danyel

1st day of school Class 1

Mrs. Danyel is Kaylon's MDO teacher. She is the first (and ONLY) person I have left my son with that has not been family. I had major anxiety the few days she was absent from school the last year and a half. She was so patient with me when I stood outside the class room looking through the glass for hours on the 1st day last year. (So different this year when I just dropped him off and left!)

1st day of school Class 2

Her daughter Brooke was Kaylon's 1st crush. He couldn't get enough of this pretty little girl.

Now, Mrs. Danyel had to go and get a grown up job, so she will not be my sweet boy's teaher anymore. Kaylon has no idea that she won't be there when he goes back on Thursday, but I do. I have full faith that he will be in good hands at school, but our Mrs. Danyel will never be replaced!